Favorite Drugstore Beauty Staples


I love a good beauty find and saving money is my favorite thing to do! These are a few of my beauty staples you can find at the drug store, pharmacy and your local Target/Wal-Mart that I LOVE just as much as my pricey beauty products. I got a ton of feedback from you guys after I posted my travel video and you saw how small my makeup bag is which inspired me to show you what I love to use. I’ll definitely share what’s inside my makeup bag but I wanted to start with a few of my go to staples that are great for anyone and very affordable.


L’Oreal Lash Paradise Mascara

I LOVE this mascara. Some people say it’s kind of like Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara and I can see the similarities but I swear this one doesn’t get clumpy and dry as quick as Too Faced and the L’Oreal one is a third of the price! Hello. I love saving money-what about you? The brush on this mascara is really good-it grabs all of my lashes and the super thick formula makes my lashes dark, bold, thick and futtery. If you like the look of wispies, that’s kind of what this does to your lashes. Sometimes I just put on my powder and this mascara and I don’t look completely like I just rolled out of bed.

Thayers Witch Hazel Toner

This is the beauty product you probably don’t use but need to start using immediately. The last two times I got facials, both estheticians told me that if I do anything to my skin it’s USE TONER. A gentle non alcoholic toner removes dirt, oil, excess makeup your face wash may have missed, unclogs pores AND restores your skin’s PH balance. But it also does more than that. Toner refreshes and hydrates your skin. It’s the easiest step you can add to your nightly beauty regimen with big payoff and SO affordable! I like this one because it’s alcohol free so it doesn’t dry and strip the skin. It’s just undistilled witch hazel, aloe vera and rose water-easy!

Natural Bristle Dry Brush

Oooh I love dry brushing so much. It’s invigorating and the best way to start your shower or bath regimen. I try to dry brush at least 3 x week but if I remember, I’ll do it more often. It’s not for the faint of heart but once your body gets used to it, you’ll be addicted like me. I also love the way it hurts so good. Haha! It gets rid of dead skin cells (gross) and exfoliates your skin but I love the other benefits like the way it increases my circulation and helps with lymphatic drainage. This means it reduces bloating! If you don’t know about lymphatic drainage, please educate yourself because it is LIFE CHANGING. I do facial massage daily to help reduce swelling and anytime I get a massage I ask for lymphatic drainage. This topic probably needs it’s own post but maybe later.

So the way you dry brush is you do it on dry skin before you shower or bathe and start at your ankles brushing in upward movements towards your heart. It doesn’t feel good at first unless you’re like me and fall in love immediately. I also have a high pain tolerance but it’s not even that. The sensation is probably new but it’s like a wake up call to your skin which by the way is the largest organ on your body so do more for it!!! This will get your blood flowing in the best way! As you keep brushing you move up your legs, stomach and arms-all while doing small strokes toward your hard. When you get to your back you can go down your back from the top of your neck. I remember when I was little I read an article about Jennifer Aniston swearing by dry brushing and from then on I was hooked. I’ve probably been doing this since high school. It helps with skin tone and texture and supposedly it helps with cellulite which never hurt anybody!

Essie Cuticle Oil

This cuticle oil is pretty much always in my purse. It’s a great way to refresh any mani and keeps my nails and cuticles moisturized and healthy. It’s especially great in between trips to the salon when my gels have grown out or my nails are nude-they still look good. You brush it onto your nail bed along your cuticles and then rub in any access. Makes such a difference when people see your hands. I mean they are a dead giveaway for age and no one likes dry cracked nails and hands. Sometimes I even bring the cuticle oil down my fingers onto the tops of my hands just to give that extra something.

I hope this helped you discover some new beauty finds you weren’t familiar with and I’d love to know what your beauty staples are too! Tell me all about them below and then I’m always curious what else you want to see on the blog so let me know that too.


